Mobile Marketing Weekly Round-Up: What Matters in Mobile Content Marketing

12 years ago   •   1 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

Retail to Spend $55 Billion Annually on Mobile Marketing by 2015

Retailers Must Optimize their Sites for Mobile Browsing, Registration & Payment

A new report published by Juniper research estimates that retailers will spend $55 billion annually by 2015. The report, Retail mCommerce: Mobile & Tablet Marketing, Advertising & Coupon Strategies 2013-2017 notes that mobile optimization is key. According to Dr. Windsor Holden, the report author, “If you are using mobile advertising for consumer acquisition, you need to push users to a site with which they can comfortably interact; retailers that fail to respond to consumer demand will fall behind.”

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Mobile Is Now The First Screen

Mobile Must Be Integrated Into Your Marketing Campaign

As reported by Rhythm New Media’s CEO, Ujjal Kohli, at the Mobile Media Summit in San Francisco last week, Intel’s US Media Director David Veneski declared that mobile is now the first screen, not the second or third…. The key to working with mobile is to “integrate” it throughout campaigns.

Read More on Why Mobile is the First Screen

Mobile CPC Rates Will Not Be Cheap(er) for Much Longer

Vowing to reverse the trend of a 6% decrease in CPC rates YOY (as of fourth quarter 2012), largely attributed to lower rates in mobile CPC, Google will work to improve ad delivery, frequency which should include better tying ads to offline activity and purchases.

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Mobile Search Spending Jumps 79% YOY

Mobile Now Captures More Than 15% of Marketing Spend

Mobile Marketer Daily reports: “Advertisers can no longer ignore the experience for smartphone and tablet,” said Keith Wilson, vice president of agency products at The Search Agency, Los Angeles. “Mobile strategy must incorporate the user intent, the platform used and develop unique content and on-site experiences designed to align the audience’s intent to content,” he said.

Read More on Mobile Search Spending

Upcoming Events in San Francisco

Mobile Marketing Assoc.: San Francisco Forum: The power of mobile in the marketing mix, January 29-30, 2013

Mobile + Web Developer Conference, January 29, 2013

MacWorld / iWorld, January 30 – February 2, 2013

Apps World North America, February 7-8, 2013

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