Mobile Content Marketing Weekly Round-Up: Google Revamps AdWords, The 10 Most Innovative Mobile Companies, and More

12 years ago   •   2 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

Google’s New AdWords is Mobile; CPC Rates to Spike

With the launch of Google’s new AdWords, the tech juggernaut is unifying the desktop, tablet and smartphone platforms to streamline campaign management and ultimately increase cost-per-click rates in their mobile offering.

Read More About Google’s Revamped AdWords

Fast Company: Top 10 Most Innovative Mobile Companies

While any of Fast Company’s Top 10 Most Innovative Mobile Companies are worthy of notice, Kiip (coming in at #3) is looking to change the way brands interact with consumers through the use of awards. Rewards can be tangible, like a reward card at Starbucks, or virtual, like points or currency.

Check Out The Complete List of Fast Company’s Top 10 Most Innovative Mobile Companies

Location Targeting Doubles Effectiveness of Mobile Ad Campaigns

In a February 6, 2013 report, Verve Mobile found that mobile advertising campaigns that utilized location targeting experienced a click-through rate of approximately double versus those that did not. Retail and restaurant advertisers that are using geo-location strategies are increasingly finding success, including driving foot traffic into brick-and-mortar businesses.

Read Verve Mobile’s Location Powered Mobile Advertising Report

50% of Smartphone Users Access The Internet Multiple Times a Day

Great news for mobile advertising and mobile marketing! Smartphone users are accessing the Internet multiple times per day from their mobile devices. Now more than ever, it’s critically important for brands to tap into mobile content marketing to get their message out and engage with their customers. Interesting tidbit about which country’s citizens are accessing the Internet multiple times per day from their devices: US placed third (58%), after a second place Japan (63%). United Arab Emeriates placed first, leading the market with 67% of it’s citizens checking their smartphones multiple times a day.

Read More About Smartphone Consumer Behavior in 2012

Applause Set To Tackle User Satisfaction & In-App Quality Insight

Recently launched to tackle the mound of data that can be available for any app, understand it and then be able do something with it, Applause (brought to you by uTest Labs) can help app developers make better educated decisions about app performance, testing and future development.

Check Out How Applause Can Help Your App Analytics

Upcoming Mobile Events in San Francisco & Silicon Valley

Android Builders Summit 2013
Dates: February 18-19, 2013
Location: San Francisco

Networking: Mobile E-Commerce, Stories from the Trenches
Date: February 20, 2013
Location: San Francisco

GSMA Mobile World Conference 2013
Date: February 25 – 28, 2013
Location: Barcelona, Spain (Yes, we know it’s not in SF… but it’s MWC!)

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