Nice video of me over on Jeremiah's blog

17 years ago   •   1 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

Do watch the video but here’s the cliff note version … there are 5 key elements that should be considered as key elements of any companies web strategy:

  1. Actively listening to your customers … using blogs, wikis, and customer forums to facilitate customer as they interact with each other; listening as customers talk to collect valuable insight and then using that insight to drive fundamental changes in product or marketing strategy
  2. Community building … either on your site or where your target customer hangs out on the web
  3. Crowd sourcing … relying on your customers to finish or extend the work you and your development team have started
  4. Engagement marketing … a strategy to actively engage customers in your brand and differentiate how you market to customers based on their differential engagement
  5. Mass customization… Offering unfinished or partially finished products or services that end users or channel partners can then combine; the resulting products or services are often highly customized

(The one I “forgot” in the interview was … sadly enough … #2 … community building!)

Did anyone catch the great mention of Jeremiah’s work in this week’s eWeek? EWeek reprinted a list provided by Jeremiah on “white-label” community-building technologies. The list was first published in February 07 and is now getting a little long in the tooth.

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