Nice to get recognized for our work

13 years ago   •   1 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

Source: Jaw Drop Cooler Co

Generally, we like to think the work we do for clients performs well and looks great. But great looks are – for us – always secondary to making sure the site performs well in terms of getting found, its conversion value, and optimization, the three things of importance to anyone who cares about generating leads, demand, and knows about inbound marketing.

But yes… recognition is always nice. So it was very(!) nice to learn that the website and branding we did for our client Content Rules, the global content experts, was featured as one of the top 50 “jaw dropping” WordPress blogs by Kevin Leary. This was a collaborative effort between ourselves and Paul Jarvis at TwoThirty Design and Adam Bogner who did the branding and identity system as the principal of Still Brand Works.


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