Best-practice business-to-business marketers are committed to marketing to their customers as people … not job titles, or corporate entities. For B2B Marketers increasingly this means taking tools intended for marketing of consumer products and adapting them to meet their needs.
In this spirit, I thought I would share the Consumer Trend Canvas. This is a tool designed for consumer marketers but I really think any best-in-class marketers–like our customers–could take advantage of it … to think through trends they are seeing among their customer base and how best to leverage them into innovative products and services.
The Consumer Trend Canvas is a printable PDF framework that contains instructions around thinking through trends in your customer base and how best to leverage them. It comes from, a consultancy devoted to analyzing, researching, and reporting on consumer trends on a global basis. Inspired by Alex Osterwalder framework for planning business innovation, the CTC is free and has been designed for to help you figure out how to leverage the specific traits around trends into innovation and – ultimately – business opportunities.
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Get the canvas here on the TrendWatching site