Growing Reasons to Use Facebook for Mobile - But Measure Conversion Twice!

12 years ago   •   1 min read

By Marcia Kadanoff

A study by AdParlor showing growing reasons to use Facebook for mobile advertising:

  • 15x clickthrough versus the desktop web
  • clicks 30% cheaper on mobile
  • CVR (conversion rate) is 16% lower than online, likely reduced by optimization
  • Entertainment vertical shows highest CTR on mobile
  • Android has a 62% higher CTR than the iPhone & Blackberry
  • Fans coming from mobile comment 22% more and like posts 63% more BUT
  • Fans coming from non-mobile drive 6-8x more engagement.

Bottom line: Facebook ads on mobile may be worth testing but makes sure you measure results all the way through to return on investment. Measuring on click through results alone or conversion rates alone may give you a distorted view of what is going on.

Don’t know how to do that. Don’t worry. We’ll get you set up here at Open Marketing thanks to our new mobile practice. To get the complete study go here.

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